We aim to offer an institutional grade wealth management service in an independent, aligned and conflict-free environment.


Outsourced CIO

Home Team

We aim to be the home team for our clients by demonstrating clear alignment and by ‘sharing’ our best-in-class investment team. With only a small number of clients per partner, we construct portfolios for each client in the context of their own financial big picture.

Endowment Approach

We apply an endowment-style investment approach to promote long term capital growth for our clients. This approach has the following key characteristics:

Based on leading US and European endowments

Focus on compounding capital over the long term

Partnering with exceptional external fund managers

Direct public and private investment teams

Expertise in private strategies and co-investments

How we work with our Clients

Portfolio Management - Bespoke multi-asset portfolio management for institutions and individual clients

Institutional Platform - Designed for family offices and other institutions which have a CIO and core investment team in place

Private Investments

Our private equity fund programme offers exposure to high quality, hard to access funds diversified by size, geography and strategy.

The Eighteen48 Partners team has advised on over $7bn of commitments to more than 100 private investment funds over two decades, including large brand name firms and smaller, less well-known managers.

The team has extensive relationships both directly with GPs and the LP universe.

Direct Investing

We believe in the value of primary research and have dedicated resources to private equity, public equity and fixed income. These internal resources provide a high quality, aligned and cost-effective solution for our clients while enriching our manager selection and monitoring activities.